
• Provides legal advices to Black Forum-SA
• Provides free legal advice and representation to Black Forum-SA members as per Executive Committee advice
• Establishes investigative and private prosecution wing
• Litigate on sui generis cases in South Africa

Research & Policy

• Establish research institute for effecting research on matters of national and international interests.
• Establish academic and non-academic journals for knowledge dissemination;
provides policy recommendation to the government of the day.

Communication & Stakeholders

• Create and sustain professional and corporate image of the Black Forum-SA
• Manages PR & communications of the Black Forum-SA
• Be media liaison body of the Black Forum-SA
• Manages recruitment campaigns
• Manages membership database and stakeholder relations

Creative, Cultural & Heritage

• Promote African culture and its values
• Create working relationships with traditional leaders and spiritual leaders
• Effect cultural exchange programs
• Promote creative, cultural and performing arts talents

Business & Investment

• Manage business network hub for black people
• Establish partnership with black business formations in the country
• In consultation with Creative and Cultural Division, establish and manage programs on commercialization of Indigenous Knowledge Systems
• Protect local economies (rural and townships economies)
• Advocate for investment into SMMEs

Education and Training

• Establish Black Forum-SA schools and training colleges;
• Establish basic & higher education strategy for curriculum transformation;
• Advocate for abolishment of dual schooling systems in South Africa;
• Influences basic and higher education departments on general schooling system in South Africa

Special Projects

• Establish and manage programs on special matters of national interest
• Handles sue generis/ special daily developments in the country and international landscape
• Advocate for investigation and/ or prosecution/ litigation on special cases of national importance

Land, Agriculture and Sustainable Development

• Advocate for expropriation of land without compensation in the country
• Advocate for empowerment of black farmers and create Black Forum-SA farmers’ network
• Establish programs for small scale farmers

Science, Technology and Innovation 

• Advocate for 4IR innovation among black youth
• Advocate for 4IR and 5G education in schools
• Establish black IT Innovation Network in the country
• Shall advocate for and promote scientific the establishment of black scientific institutions and promote black excellence in science in general.


• Advocate for indigenous medicine within primary health sector
• Develop health education programs on indigenous knowledge for medicinal purposes
• Promote public health education in conformity to various standards
• Assist Department of Health to provide efficient and professional services to the public